Friday, September 24, 2010

cc'd to death...

Granted, this is a minor annoyance, but I think it speaks volume about trust (or lack thereof) in our relationship.
If husband is emailing with any of our friends about, for instance, weekend plans, he insists on cc'ing me on all communication, and gets peeved when I don't do the same.
He has gotten angry in the past when I took the liberty of replying for myself ("yes, I'm up for that!") without checking with HIM first, even though we were both on the email list, saying it doesn't look like we are operating as a "team". He has also taken issue with me in the past for corresponding with our male friends and not cc'ing him in the email, surmising, I guess, that we are flirting furiously - cc'ing him on these potentially dangerous liaisons keeps them on the up and up, I guess.
In which case, perhaps he should carry around a tape recorder and make sure he captures any conversations he may have around the water cooler that might be inappropriate. Really, why stop at email?
His puritan upbringing shines through in these moments. I expect something like "You're dancing with the devil" to come out of his mouth at times like these, but of course he is careful to phrase it every other way but that.
Have I mentioned lately that I hate my marriage?

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